Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Oh dear....!

With the two biggest holidays circling the same week, I find myself slacking on posts! Argh!

I hope many of you are scheduling tournaments into your calendar books for 2011! The year hasn't even started, but the tournaments are already all lined up!

January 2011 is filled with plenty of opportunities to test your skill already!

January 14th is the Portland State University Winter Open. A group of my friends have already signed up, and I hear there are good prizes to be given out!

January 22nd is the start Holiday 'Turkey Bowl' at the Bellevue Badminton Club...?!?! It starts off with Division-C...? Check out this link for more information! It looks like a great, cheap team tournament for you to get some practice in!

January 28th gives you another excuse for a roadtrip down to Oregon for the Winter Oregon Open at Portland Badminton Club, followed up with

January 29th Holiday Turkey Bowl Division D at Bellevue Badminton Club!

All this information was gathered thanks to the help of NorthwestBadminton.org, so make sure you check out that site for more information!


Frankly, I am preparing myself to hopefully play singles in the Washington State Closed in Seattle Badminton Club on February 25th! Unfortunately, I dove back into 'training' after a month off from badminton...I'm definitely out of shape! Not good! So no guarantees there, but I'll do my best! Which tournaments are you guys getting ready for? The entry form is already out, so go make your plans now!

My parents were actually asking me why I haven't gone to the First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue to play....I used to play there every Monday night when I first began....that was way back when our Washington badminton clubs hadn't existed yet!

They made fun of me and said I've gotten too high class-- I won't settle for anything less than a private club. That's quite the opposite!

For those of you beginners, there are plenty of other places to play other than BBC and SBC! The First Presbyterian Church is still popular with many people who just want to play for fun, and I've met many friends there that are still friends with me today! It's free to play, although they would like a small donation, if possible! They have 3 courts with a rotation system of every 15 minutes.

1717 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue WA 98004

Mondays from 6pm to 9pm!

Make sure you go check it out!

Anyways, leave a comment, subscribe and enjoy the rest of your vacation for the new year!

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