Sunday, November 14, 2010

I don't think Lin Dan would appreciate this post.

Good morning! It's a lovely Sunday, and thanks to America's lovely first amendment, I am free to practice my own religion: Badmintonism.

There's your lovely history lesson. You can go tell your parents that reading blogs is more productive than attending school. A wise man once told me, "School is for fools!" True story.

The other day, as I was updating my blog, I noticed the left column had a Google article on badminton:

Maybe it's because I've been Googling the wrong images these past few years.

Well, I tried it again, and this is what it gave me:

I prove my point.

Haha just kidding. It looks pretty hot...I like the color of the grip. Oh, you mean the guy? Oh...uh. No comment.

Maybe Lin Dan doesn't have the PERFECT face, but I'm sure he'd be guaranteed a title at the next American Idol (if he was American. Which he's not. Chinese Idol?)

He puts so much emotion into the music. It's like an angel's voice graced the surface of the earth....oh wait. Those are birdie feathers.

Karaoke, anyone?

Simon Cowell would not approve.

No? How about a guest appearance on Glee?

Anyways, he's considered pretty hot stuff. Lin Dan is to Asia as David Beckham is to......well...everyone. Including Asia. He models for various brands, and it's been an ongoing rumor that he took his girlfriend (Women's singles player Xie Xingfang) to an Armani (??) store and the owner flipped out and gave him a free suit. Snap. Baller status.

Ahh. Who knows. I have yet to see this guy in person. I'm sure he's lovely.


Don't forget to sign up for BCD+A Tournament

Today's also the last day to sign up for Badmintology (CANADA)!

Next post on Tuesday! Don't forget to subscribe to the right! :)

//EDIT FROM BCD+A POST: The birdies MAY be AS-40's rather than AS-50's...oh well. :) Join anyways. //EDIT//

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