Badmintology's Weekend Warrior Open 2010 is coming up...starting tomorrow evening!
Their T-Shirt designs were just released...you can check them out at
The draws are out, too! And they were nice enough to post up bussing information in case you're afraid of braving the ice!
For those of you not able to attend this time, they plan to have their next tournament, the Roller Coaster Open, on Febuary 18-20, 2010. Gives you a little time to find a mixed doubles partner after Valentine's day....? (I've actually heard many many badminton-related Valentine's day stories...but I'll be saving them until February! :D)
Oh...me? Why...I double majored in Communications and Badmintology. Yes. The study of badminton. (harharhar)
For those of you wanting to start playing tournaments...or have been scarred by higher level tournaments, I would highly recommend signing up for Badmintology. It's a great experience--it's well organized, very friendly, and they split it up into 3 different levels so you can feel comfortable at playing your best-- Blue, Red and Green. (If it makes anyone feel better, I played in Green!).
It's a great place to meet other badminton players, experiment different levels...and best of all, there are other activities to engage in while you're not playing! (I hate waiting! RAGH!) At least, that's how it was last time I went!
For a minor recap, I went during the MoonLight Open 2010 during the end of September. It was a sort of...mini-vacation before school started for me.
MyJPScion, one of their sponsors, had set up a booth with a PS3 for you to race cars and win prizes. (I lost. so, so horribly.)
There's a wide age range of players as well, and they're all so friendly...no matter what level.
Best of all, it's cheap, and you get a free t-shirt for just participating!
So go for it! And feel free to e-mail or comment with your own thoughts and/or pictures, and I'll be happy to post them up here :)
Anyways. I hope all of you are enjoying your holidays! Keep reading--I'll be posting the BCD+A design ............some...time...soon! ;)
I'll see you at BCD+A 2010!
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