Monday, November 14, 2011

Russian Military is taking up Badminton!

Read the paper this morning? According to Business Insider Europe, the Russian Military is to take on badminton!  Why? "Officials have said that the game requires the same muscles used to throw a grenade or other projectile, while following the shuttlecock trains the eye and improves reaction speeds."

(Read more:

Unfortunately, the Russian Defense Military is denying these allegations. According to The Guardian, it's true that there are courts and rackets in existence, but the military [might not] have plans to actually take up the sport for military technique training. Who knows? 

Badminton's been taking Russia by storm lately-- if you haven't heard, Russian President Dimitri Medvedev was interviewed for his badminton hobby a few months ago. Believing those who play well can make quick decisions, he plays with his soon-to-be successor, Prime Minister Vladmir Putin, during his time off. Cool!

In terms of 'reaction speeds', a group of friends and I were talking about this around the dinner table yesterday, after the BCD+A. They managed to scare me with a screamer video via iPhone, and caught the phone as soon as I had thrown it in fear. At the same time, a nearby waitress had pushed a knife off a table by accident-- quick hands caught it in the blink of an eye. Badminton skills? Perhaps. 

So if you'd like to practice 'throwing projectiles', take up badminton! 


In other news, BCD+A tournament results are up. You can see them here:

Don't forget to check out Men's Singles A and BCD. Women's Singles A didn't have enough entries, so they were dispersed into the Men's Singles category. I wonder how well they did...

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