Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sign up for the WA State Games 2011!

 image taken from:

All right, you procrastinators. You know you've been thinking about it, and after watching those matches on Youtube, it's time to secure your spot for the WA State Games 2011!  Sponsored by SUBWAY, and badminton is one of the many sports that will be played during the State Games!

This year the Games will be held at Seattle Badminton Club, run by your wonderful Washington Organizers, Katherine Ip and James Lau.  The tournament fee is really cheap, too, at $20 for the first event and $5 for every other. Affordable way to test your skills against international players! Planned participants are going to be coming from as far as California and Canada!

REMEMBER: Sign up now-- a few players who had planned to play in the WA Open 2011 relied on e-mailing the organizers late to sign up, but due to the large turn out, the organizers had to turn them down! Don't let that happen this time-- sign up online on tournamentsoftware to ensure your spot on the draw!

You can count on unlimited birds, Gatorade, bananas/nutella...Washington's got you covered! Plus a Subway Games T-shirt that you can....wear while you wash your car or clean your house. :P

Where?: Seattle Badminton Club
When?: July 15-17, 2011
How much?: $20 for the first event, $5 for every other
DEADLINE: JULY 1st, 2011
Why?:  For a cheap fee starting at $20, you get unlimited birds, unlimited Gatorade and snacks, a free T-shirt, games with players from all over that you usually don't get to play with, and a whole weekend of badminton fun in the sun! (+ it's an awesome socializing event!)  Why NOT?

 Last year's State Games were especially fun--there's a rapidly growing number of participants every year, and everyone manages to get some great games in. It's even more fun when you bring a big group of friends and just call it a mini-vacation!

Plan your trips early, book your hotels soon, and get ready for a fantastic weekend with the rest of the badminton community! We all look forward to seeing you there!

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