Tuesday, January 18, 2011


//EDIT: WA state closed is $30 for the first entry, NOT $35//


The 64th annual Washington Closed tournament is available for sign up now!!!!! This is a great opportunity for your Washingtonians to brush up your skills and compete against other WA players!

This tourney should be pretty interesting--now with two clubs (BBC and SBC), there's more unpredictability in opponents! I've seen many new players who, to my knowledge, haven't attended the past few Washington tourneys! Let's hope they sign up and bring some competition!

Make sure you sign up as early as possible-- Preferably before February 6th, 2011. Late entries WILL NOT RECEIVE A T-SHIRT, and they WILL be enforcing it!

You can get the entry form at Seattle Badminton Club or online at NorthwestBadminton.Org

The entry fee is $30 ($25 for students with valid ID) for the first event, then +$5 for every other event.

What's great is this tourney is now featuring FUNKY DOUBLES!

That's right--everyone's favorite event! You can sign up either competitive or non-competitive funky doubles. Pairs must be either siblings, spouses, or family members (parent-child?)! This has always been a light hearted, fun event for everyone....(Xu Huaiwen and her husband have played in it before!).

Washington Closed 2011
Seattle Badminton Club
When?: February 25-27, 2011
How much?: $35 ($25 for students with valid student ID) + $5 for every other event ($20 for funky doubles)
Deadline: FEBRUARY 6th, 2011
Additional information: This IS a YONEX SPONSORED event...meaning Yonex birds AND Yonex shirts!

Nino and Raquel will be organizing this event, along with our usual volunteers. E-mail them for anything at mib.baddicts@yahoo.com

Sign up as soon as possible, and get practicing!

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