Whenever I walk in campus, my eyes will somehow dart to anybody who carries a badminton bag, has a birdie keychain, or simply wears Li-Ning shoes (for the record, they don't ONLY manufacture badminton things...they're like the Nike of China).
I've come to realize that badminton is actually very popular...I don't give it enough credit!
Anyways-- speaking of school...
for those of you who go to university, or even high school, you should check if your school has any badminton teams or clubs you can join. I can safely say that those have been the life support for my social life...! So here's a plug to the UWashington Husky Badminton Club!
Image taken from the badminton club website
They meet every Monday, Thursday and Saturday at the IMA's B gym. If you don't want to join the club just yet, feel free to go Friday evenings, they usually play leisurely then, too. It's a great way to meet friends-- the club members are really friendly, and it's nice to take a break sometimes after a long week of studying.
If you do want to join, the membership is $10 a quarter or $25 a year. They hold practices, have tournaments...overall it's a great opportunity for an extracurricular activity.
Check them out at http://students.washington.edu/bmtclub/ ....
I've heard good things about the UBC badminton club, for those of you in Canada. Although I've never attended (I'm not sure if I'm allowed to...), their website looks fantastic, and I have a few friends who've participated.
Check them out here http://ubcbadm.vlexofree.com/
Boo ya! The Husky Badminton Club is awesome! Everyone is really friendly and welcoming :D