Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Washington State Open

The event of the year is here-- are you ready for it?

75th Annual Washington State Open 2012!!!

75 is a big number-- The Washington State Open is a senile old man chasing after women on his electric wheelchair in the nearby retirement home. The Washington State Open is yelling at kids to get off his lawn. The Washington State Open is tying balloons on his roof so he can fly over to paradise islands with an Asian boy scout and a talking dog. 

Yeah. The Washington State Open is pretty awesome. 

In all seriousness, 75 is a huge deal-- and we're making it a big deal. We've been planning this tournament since last year-- plans, plans and more plans. It's going to be big.

And we want you there.

Here's the information:

75th Annual Washington State Open 2012
Where?: Seattle Badminton Club (Kirkland)
When?: May 18-20, 2012
Deadline: APRIL 29, 2012. 
How much?: $40 for the first event, $10 for the second, +$5 for every additional event. REMEMBER that this includes banquet fee, T-shirt, unlimited birds etc. 
What should we know?: THIS. IS. HUGE. UNLIMITED Yonex Birds. AWESOME T-shirt. The biggest tournament Washington can offer with people coming from all over the country and Canada. THIS IS GOING TO BE HUGE. 

*PLEASE REMEMBER: Due to the size of the facility and the fact that participants are growing every year, it's harder for WSBA to accept late entries. THEY WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE ENTRIES, ESPECIALLY for the Washington Open. PLEASE plan accordingly and sign up BY THE DEADLINE, APRIL 29 2012.

We're planning a big banquet with awesome prizes this year, so you don't want to miss out. Yonex bags, rackets, grips, hats...Games! Laughs! Jokes! Music! A PONY? 

...ok. Maybe not a pony. 

But you get the idea.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

2012 UO Open

Angry birdies. 

University of Oregon is having an open tournament!

University of Oregon Open 2012
Where?: University of Oregon
1585 E. 13th AVE
Eugene, OR 97403-1279
When?: April 14, 2012
How much?: $30 for the first event, +$5 each additional. (UO Members receive a discount at $20 for up to three events. Groups of 10 or more get an ADDITIONAL $10 discount per person! What! Time to be a UO member!)
Deadline: APRIL 10th, 2012. DO IT NOW
Why?: Prizes are trophies, giftcards and Nike gear. JUST DO IT! Players at the University of Oregon are really friendly, and you can test your skill against different players.

Take this opportunity to enjoy the sunny beaches of Oregon. This tournament only lasts a day, so you'll have time over the weekend to really appreciate spring!

Take a roadtrip!